Congratulations to Prof. Jan-Chi Yang who received the "Outstanding Research Paper Award Chinese Journal of Physics" in 2021 The Physical Society of Taiwan
2022-01-13 08:30:00
Congratulations to Prof. Jan-Chi Yang who received the "Outstanding Research Paper Award Chinese Journal of Physics" in 2021 The Physical Society of Taiwan
2022-11-10 09:00:00
Honor Roll
恭賀本中心張泰榕副教授榮獲111學年度李國鼎科技與人文講座之李國鼎研究獎 國立成功大學 111 學年度「李國鼎科技與人文講座」今(10)日下午在格致堂舉行頒獎典禮,由成大校長蘇慧貞及台達資深副總裁金壽豐共同表揚本屆 9 位獲獎學...
2021-12-15 08:44:00
Honor Roll
Congratulations! Prof. Ching-Hao Chang received “NCTS Young Theoretical Scholar Awards" in 2021
2022-03-04 19:13:00
Honor Roll
Congratulations to Dr. Shin-Laing Chen who has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Dept. of Physics, NCHU ...
2021-10-19 08:00:00
Honor Roll
Congratulations to the following QFort members-Recipients of the 2021 NCKU Grand Review and Competition for PhD Stude...